April 2, 2006
DataNet Quality Systems, developers of WinSPC Statistical Process Control Software, announced today that it won an award for “Best SPC Software, 2005” from the Chinese manufacturing portal, e-Works.
e-Works Manufacturing Information Technology (China) Co., Ltd., is one of the best known IT research, training and consulting company serving Chinese manufacturing enterprises. Its well regarded www.e-works.net.cn portal, which records over 100,000 page hits per day and has more than 145,000 subscribers, provides Chinese manufacturing companies information and opinion about CAD/CAM, CAE, PLM, ERP, CRM, SCM and other IT applications of interest to Chinese manufacturing enterprises.
“We are honored to have won this award from e-Works,” said Ned Geenberg, DataNet’s president. “China is an increasinging important market for WinSPC and e-Works is a well-known, respected technology reference for Chinese manufacturers. We’re pleased that the Chinese manufacturing marketplace has embraced WinSPC and automated statistical process control.”
WinSPC began supporting the Chinese language in 2001 and is distributed throughout Asia by iDimensions, a regional e-manufacturing solutions provider specializing in eFactory/eManufacturing software applications for semiconductor, electronics components, household appliances, EMS, chemical, food and beverage, mills, and other industries. iDimensions was also honored by eworks as “Hottest new IT Enterprise.”